New York'lu bir yetim olan Judy Abbot'a oldukça iyi bir okul olan Lincoln Memorial'da bir eğitim almak üzere burs verilir. Bu bursu sağlayan kişinin sadece silüetini gören Judy, ondan "Uzun Bacaklı Babam" diye bahsetmeye başlar. Yetimhaneyi arkasında bırakarak yeni yaşamına başlamak için okuluna giden Judy'i burada yeni dostlar ve maceralar beklemektedir.
01. The Monday that Changed my Destiny
02. Preparing for a Journey by Myself
03. The Long - Awaited Lincoln Memorial Girl`s School
04. A Hurly-Burly Opening Ceremony
05. How to Decorate a Room Beautifully
06. Do You Hate Liars?
07. A Good Way To Use Gold Coins
08. A letter thrown away into the rubbish bin
09. Julia’s Uncle is an Eccentric Person?
10. I`m Sorry I Betrayed You
11. I can`t believe his name was there
12. A strange coincidence
13. Sallie`s courageous challenge!
14. Was the first short story plagiarized?
15. A hot dog and a wallflower
16. A Present from a Quarterback
17. Unconfessable Heart
18. A Thanksgiving Dinner Invitation
19. My Friends, Let`s Sing Together
20. An Older Classmate
21. Beauty and Sadness
22. Snow falling on the Window
23. Our Different Christmases
24. As You Like It
25. New York, My Birthplace
26. A Brigde to Tomorrow
27. Being a Tutor is no Easy Task
28. A Ruthless Order
29. Full of Memories
30. Love on a Summer Day